Automate your tasks with AI and Google Scripts

Start now
You will soon see the time and effort savings from no longer manually performing many of your tasks

Powerful Integration

If you make moderately intensive use of Google Workspace, it is advisable to consider the option of using Gemini

  • -The suggestions you receive save you a lot of time and effort
  • -The number of clicks and typing decreases dramatically
  • -It provides you with ideas that you might not have adequately considered

Efficient Automation

If you find yourself performing similar tasks continuously, it is very likely that these can be automated thanks to Google Apps Script

  • -Buttons can be placed in menus to execute tasks
  • -Synchronizations can be performed when closing or opening files

Simplified Workflows

Once the tasks you do in Google Workspace are modeled and documented, we move on to implement both AI and automation with Google Scripts.

  • -Eliminate unnecessary steps and streamline processes as much as possible
  • -Optimize user experience: less time and effort with better results